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7 Tips for Building a Non-Design Portfolio

7 Tips for Building a Non-Design Portfolio

A portfolio is not only important for graphic designers but also relevant for those working in other fields. Having a good portfolio can be an advantage when applying for jobs and attracting the attention of HR professionals. If you’re not involved in graphic design, here are some tips for creating an attractive non-design portfolio that can strengthen your professional profile:

1. Determine the Focus and Purpose of Your Portfolio

Before starting the portfolio creation process, define the focus and purpose. Do you want to showcase skills in project management, writing, marketing, or other areas? Choose projects that are relevant to your goals, so that your portfolio can provide a clear overview of your abilities and achievements.

2. Select Relevant Content

Relevant portfolio content is key to capturing your audience’s attention. Choose your best works that demonstrate your most relevant skills and experiences. Don’t limit yourself to previous jobs alone, as side projects or volunteer work can also provide valuable insights into your abilities.

3. Create an Engaging Presentation

The layout and presentation of your portfolio also play a crucial role in making a strong impression on your audience. Ensure that your portfolio is easy to read and navigate by adding clear and engaging navigation, and selecting a design that resonates with your target audience. Remember that the appearance of your portfolio reflects your professional style and capabilities, so make sure it is visually appealing and aligned with your personal brand.

4. Include Descriptions and Context

Don’t forget to include descriptions and context for each project listed in your portfolio. Explain your role and responsibilities in the project, as well as the outcomes achieved. Provide context about the project, including the clients or organizations involved, challenges faced, and solutions implemented. This will help HR professionals understand the context of your work and appreciate your contributions.

5. Showcase Real Results

It’s even better if you can showcase tangible results from the projects you’ve worked on. For example, if you were involved in a marketing campaign, include data or figures that demonstrate increased sales or brand awareness. If you were involved in product development, include customer testimonials or positive feedback you received. These real results will strengthen your claims about your skills and contributions.

6. Maintain a Clean and Professional Look

Even if you’re not involved in graphic design, ensure that the appearance and design of your portfolio remain clean and professional. Use a neat and readable format, and choose clear and easily understandable fonts. Don’t forget to proofread the layout, check for spelling errors, and fix any other mistakes before submitting your portfolio.

7. Consider the Right Media and Format

The appropriate media and format should also be considered when creating a non-design portfolio. Some options to consider include websites, PDF documents, or slide presentations. Remember that the media and format you choose can influence how your audience evaluates the quality and professionalism of your portfolio.

In today’s competitive job market, having a strong non-design portfolio is an essential step to enhance your professional profile. By following the tips above, you can create a compelling and relevant portfolio for your target audience. Remember to always update and improve your portfolio as your career progresses.

If you’re looking for job opportunities and want to showcase your skills and experiences, don’t miss the chance to register and apply for jobs through Orbit Jobs. Orbit Jobs is a leading job portal that connects job seekers with a wide range of job opportunities in Indonesia. Don’t miss the opportunity to find your dream job and take the first step towards a successful career. Visit the Orbit Jobs website now and start exploring opportunities that match your interests and skills.