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Anyone Can Succeed in a Job Interview, Including Introverts

Anyone Can Succeed in a Job Interview, Including Introverts

Dear readers, you’ve likely heard about introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. What are the definitions of these terms, and what sets them apart? Furthermore, in the context of recruitment processes, why do many assume that extroverted individuals are more adept at answering job interview questions compared to introverts? Let’s explore the following article to recognize our strengths, weaknesses, and potential; and utilize them to achieve success in obtaining our dream jobs and careers.

What is an Introvert?

An introvert is a personality type that tends to focus on their own thoughts and feelings. Those with introverted personalities feel more comfortable spending time with one or two people they know well. This personality is often mistakenly perceived as shy and preferring solitude, though shyness and introversion are distinct qualities.

When introverts run out of energy after a day of activities, for instance, they can “recharge” by spending time alone and engaging in activities they enjoy during that solitude. It’s not surprising that introverts value privacy and personal boundaries, preferring a few quality friendships that respect their privacy and limits.

On the other hand, extroverts regain energy by interacting with more people, including strangers, in specific activities. This is why extroverts are often seen as more sociable and better at communicating with others than introverts.

Ambiverts, meanwhile, represent a relatively balanced personality that is comfortable both in solitude and interacting with many people, including strangers.

Introverts and Job Interview Failures

These perceptions extend to job interviews, where there’s an assumption that introverts will always be at a disadvantage compared to extroverts. Extroverts are considered more agile in answering interview questions due to their habit of interacting with many people.

In reality, communication skills, especially public speaking, can be learned, practiced, and mastered by anyone, regardless of whether they are introverted or extroverted. Therefore, our introverted personality is not a valid reason to neglect honing our communication skills.

Here are successful tips for answering job interview questions, even for introverts:

Successful Interview Tips: 3P (Prepare, Practice, Presence)

  • Prepare :- In many cases, candidates underestimate the importance of researching the company they are targeting. The more information we have about the company, the more confidence we will exude, and our answers during the interview will carry more weight. Extensive research enables us to ask meaningful questions when the interviewer gives us the opportunity.
    Quality preparation and research can be an added value for the interviewer, indicating our dedication to contributing to the company.
  • Practice :- One reason many candidates fail in job interviews is due to nervousness. Anxiety arises when we do not conduct enough research, do not know ourselves well, and do not practice interviews adequately.
    There’s a misconception that introverts tend to be cautious and slow in answering interview questions. In reality, this has nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted. With enough practice, introverts and extroverts alike can respond to interview questions quickly, accurately, and coherently.
    In this technological era, practicing job interviews is straightforward. Imagine getting a question like, “Please introduce yourself,” and recording your response using the video feature on your phone. Evaluate the results or ask a friend for feedback. The more we do this, the more proficient we become in responding to interview questions with high-quality answers.
  • Presence :- After thorough research, preparation, and continuous practice, the next step is presenting ourselves as professionally as possible. Demonstrate confidence through expressions and body language, creating a positive and strong first impression on the interviewer. Expressions and body language can be fully practiced and mastered.

In conclusion, what do you think,OJs? Still believe that your introversion is the reason for your interview failures? It’s proven otherwise. It’s much better to continually improve our skills and competencies so that whenever opportunities arise, we are ready to embrace and manage them.

Wishing you success, OJs!